07/25/2024 |
Boeing B-52D Superfortress/BUFF "Big Belly Mod" Diorama & construction report added |
04/17/2023 |
M41A3 Walker Bulldog tank & construction report added |
06/12/2022 |
Begining to convert the pages to a modified layout for better readability on mobile devices
03/24/2022 |
M109 Self-Propelled Howitzer & construction report added |
01/12/2020 |
Good Morning Vietnam diorama
updated, a letter from Vietnam added |
10/14/2018 |
Subpage Staff & Acknowledgements
updated |
10/14/2018 |
Hughes OH-6A Cayuse "Darkhorse" & construction report added |
10/14/2018 |
Hughes OH-6A Cayuse "1/9 Cav" & construction report added |
09/02/2018 |
Model parts
shop linked |
31/05/2018 |
Good Morning Vietnam diorama & construction report added |
02/11/2016 |
EKA-3B "Skywarrior/Whale" & construction report added |
02/13/2015 |
A-4B "Skyhawk" & construction report added |
02/18/2014 |
M42A1 Duster construction report updated:
Part 4, 5, 6 and 7 |
05/20/2013 |
RA-5C "Vigilante" & construction report added |
09/18/2013 |
M42A1 Duster construction report updated
07/23/2013 |
Model finished! & Image gallery added in M42A1 Duster |
01/08/2013 |
Image gallery added in M48A3 Patton |
01/04/2013 |
"Go, go, go!" Diorama - Bell UH-1D "Huey"
& construction report added |
08/19/2012 |
"The Last Flight" Diorama - Bell UH-1B
"Huey" & construction report
added |
05/20/2012 |
A-1H "Skyraider" VNAF & construction report added |
01/15/2012 |
Photos on the OV-10A "Bronco" updated. Old
photos moved to the archive page |
01/01/2012 |
M48A3 Patton & construction report added |
07/31/2011 |
Subpage Staff & Acknowledgements
updated |
01/23/2011 |
In M42A1 Duster construction report in
progress - Part 3 - Scale plans added
01/23/2011 |
In M42A1 Duster construction report in
progress - Part 2 - Main armament and its
mount added |
01/23/2011 |
In M42A1 Duster construction report in
progress - Part 1 - Suspension and hull
added |
01/23/2011 |
M42A1 Duster construction report in
progress rebuilt and updated |
09/07/2010 |
M55 Quad 50 emplacement diorama & construction report added |
08/17/2010 |
Technical Manual 9-2010 Multiple Cal. .50
Machine Gun Mounts added |
05/22/2010 |
M110 Howitzer Page - factual error
corrected |
01/16/2010 |
M42 Duster construction report in progress
updated |
12/20/2009 |
A-1H "Skyraider" & Construction report added |
04/12/2009 |
Contact e-mail adress changed from
pawel@beer.com to pmroczko@pmroczko.nazwa.pl |
01/23/2009 |
U.S. Navy SEAL Vietnam Diorama (1:16) &
construction report added |
12/28/2008 |
Antitank rocket launcher M72 LAW added |
12/27/2008 |
M42A1 Duster - under construction & construction report in progress updated |
5/21/2008 |
In Conflict history, chapter Million lonesome women 1965 - 1968 added |
4/19/2008 |
M42A1 Duster construction report in
progress updated |
2/24/2008 |
M42A1 Duster construction report in
progress updated |
2/10/2008 |
M42A1 Duster - under construction & Construction report in progress added |
1/6/2008 |
M274 Mule with 106 mm R.R. Diorama & Construction report added |
1/6/2008 |
Format change for "Construction report" pages |
12/18/2007 |
List of revisions (this page) is reworked to show newest entries
first |
12/18/2007 |
Introduction is finally added |
12/17/2007 |
Revisions of Conflict history start |
11/23/2007 |
"Pocket Guide to Vietnam" added |
11/23/2007 |
TB-746 "Marking of Military Vehicles"
added |
11/23/2007 |
Documents added |
11/23/2007 |
OV-10A "Bronco" & Construction report added |
11/02/2007 |
UH-34D "Huss" & Construction report added |
10/28/2007 |
Two additional fotos of the M151A1 added |
10/21/2007 |
In Conflict history, chapter War in a land very far away 1959 - 1964
added |
10/14/2007 |
M110 S.P. Howitzer & Construction report added |
10/14/2007 |
Exhibits 1:72 added |
10/6/2007 |
M48 Patton & Construction report added |
9/16/2007 |
In Conflict history, chapter Silence before the storm 1955 - 1958 added |
8/13/2007 |
Conflict history added (1941 - 1954) |
7/19/2007 |
Automated stats added |
7/18/2007 |
American lighter added |
7/18/2007 |
Exhibits 1:1 added |
7/18/2007 |
"Staff & Acknowledgements" added |
7/11/2007 |
M151A1 MUTT & Construction report added |
7/11/2007 |
Exhibits 1:35 added |
7/11/2007 |
First day of Virtual Museum of the Vietnam War on the net |